<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="wp2.css"?><!--<!DOCTYPE whitePaper [<!ELEMENT whitePaper (head_L1,body)><!ATTLIST whitePaper xmlns:HTML CDATA #FIXED "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><!ELEMENT body (parag|head_L2|head_L3|parag_legal|illustration)*><!ELEMENT head_L1 (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT head_L2 (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT head_L3 (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT parag (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT parag_legal (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT HTML:img EMPTY><!ATTLIST HTML:img src CDATA #IMPLIED><!ELEMENT caption (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT illustration (HTML:img,caption)>]>--><whitePaper xmlns:HTML="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head_L1>avenue.quark White Paper</head_L1><body><parag>A lot of organizations have content stored in QuarkXPressΓäó documents. Content that they'd like to use elsewhere ΓÇö most notably, on the Web. Until now, though, there's been no easy way to extract that content for reuse.
</parag><parag>That's all about to change, thanks to avenue.quarkΓäó ΓÇö a new QuarkΓäó product that will let you tag the content of your QuarkXPress documents and then extract that content in XML format. Avenue.quark will even automate a significant portion of the process, making it easier than you ever imagined.
</parag><head_L2>What is XML?
</head_L2><parag>XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a specification that lets you label different types of information by surrounding that information with descriptive tags. For example, to indicate that a particular phrase is a company name, you can "tag" it with XML <companyName> tags, like so:
</parag><parag>Once your content has been tagged and saved in XML format, you can use it in a variety of ways. For example, you can put it into a database and serve it on the Web, and use HTML templates to automatically format each bit of information based on what kind of tags it has. XML is also used as a standardized format for the exchange of information between organizations and industries.
</parag><head_L2>What is avenue.quark?
</head_L2><parag>Avenue.quark is software that lets you use a DTD to extract structured content from QuarkXPress documents and store that content in XML format.
</parag><head_L3>What is a DTD?
</head_L3><parag>A DTD, or Document Type Definition, is a blueprint for constructing a particular type of document. A DTD defines a list of element types, or labels that you can apply to the various parts of documents that use the DTD. For example, a DTD might define <headline> and <bodyText> element types, which you can then use to tag headlines as <headline> elements and paragraphs as <bodyText> elements.
</parag><parag>Ideally, the DTD should also indicate what order these elements should fall in; for example, you wouldn't want a paragraph to come before a headline.
</parag><head_L3>Rule-based tagging
</head_L3><parag>Avenue.quark tagging rules let you associate styles and structures in QuarkXPress documents with element types in a DTD. For example, you could associate a style sheet named "Headline" with an element type named <headline>.
</parag><parag>Once you've created your tagging rules, you can use avenue.quark to automate the tagging process. In the above example, all paragraphs that use the "Headline" style sheet can be tagged automatically ΓÇö allowing you to get your QuarkXPress content into XML format in record time.
</parag><head_L2>An Example of How avenue.quark Works
</head_L2><parag>Let's say your company has created a large number of technical briefs in QuarkXPress format, and you'd like to store them in XML format so you can put them in a database and make them available on the Web or company intranet. The briefs all use the same QuarkXPress template and style sheets.
</parag><head_L3>Step one: Creating an XML template
</head_L3><parag>XML templates are an avenue.quark feature that lets you create a series of XML documents based on the same DTD and tagging rule set.
</parag><parag>To create an avenue.quark XML template, you first indicate the DTD that describes your technical briefs. You can create your own DTD or use an industry-standard DTD.
</parag><parag>Next, you open up the QuarkXPress template on which the briefs are based. (Or, if you don't have the template, you can use one of the briefs themselves.)
</parag><parag>Now you create a tagging rule set by associating style sheet names and other formatting attributes with elements in the DTD. For example, you might map a "Title" paragraph style sheet to a <briefTitle> element, indicating that you want each paragraph with the "Title" style sheet applied to it to be tagged as a <briefTitle>.
</parag><parag>When you're finished, you just save the XML document as an XML template, just as you would save a QuarkXPress document as a QuarkXPress template.
</parag><head_L3>Step two: Content extraction
</head_L3><parag>To begin content extraction, you first indicate the XML template you want to use. Then you open up one of the briefs and drag its content to the XML Workspace palette; avenue.quark responds by using the DTD and tagging rule set to automatically tag most of the content in the document. (The percentage of content that can be automatically tagged depends on the thoroughness of the tagging rule set and the degree to which the documents adhere to their QuarkXPress style sheets.)
</parag><parag>You can view the content and its tags, manually map additional content in the document to other elements, and even add new content.
</parag><parag>When you're finished, you just save, and the content is stored in an XML file. Tagging the rest of the briefs is just as easy ΓÇö even if you need to do some manual tagging, you're still done in minutes.
</parag><head_L2>XML Out and XML In
</head_L2><parag>When people hear that avenue.quark lets you export QuarkXPress content in XML format, the first question they usually have is, "Does it also let you import XML content into QuarkXPress documents?"
</parag><parag>The answer is yes. Avenue.quark will ship with a QuarkXTensions module named "XML Import," which will let you place XML content into QuarkXPress documents.
</parag><parag>For more information about XML Import, see the XML Import White Paper.
</parag><illustration><HTML:img src="diagram1.gif"></HTML:img><caption>Avenue.quark lets you tag the content of QuarkXPress documents and then extract that content in XML format.</caption></illustration><head_L2>Benefits
</head_L2><parag>Avenue.quark offers powerful benefits to anyone who wants to be smart about moving their QuarkXPress content to the Web.
</parag><head_L3>Intelligent handling of content
</head_L3><parag>Avenue.quark separates content from presentation. When you use avenue.quark to move QuarkXPress content into XML format, you impose structure on the various parts of that content. Then you can use a variety of methods to automatically format the content based on its meaning, rather than manually formatting the content yourself.
</parag><parag>Another advantage: Tagged content can be used in more than one place, in more than one way, without requiring you to make multiple copies of it. For example, you can serve the same XML content in two different Web sites with completely different looks.
</parag><head_L3>Use your existing QuarkXPress content
</head_L3><parag>Avenue.quark lets you make the most of the content you already have in QuarkXPress format.
</parag><head_L3>Use your existing QuarkXPress skills
</head_L3><parag>QuarkXPress users can learn how to use avenue.quark in no time at all. It's as fast and easy to use as QuarkXPress, offering you the maximum in efficiency and usability.
</parag><head_L3>Easy updating
</head_L3><parag>Instead of updating the print and Web-served versions of a document separately, you can update the print version in QuarkXPress and then simply use avenue.quark to reflect those changes in XML.
</parag><head_L3>Compatibility with existing systems
</head_L3><parag>Avenue.quark can be integrated with existing Web systems, including Web application servers.
</parag><head_L3>Integration with Quark products
</head_L3><parag>Avenue.quark is tightly integrated with QuarkXPress and QuarkXPress PassportΓäó.</parag><parag_legal>NOTE: All of the information in this document is subject to change without notice.